
APPEAL, Inc. is seeking monetary contributions to support our operations and our planned credit union. If you make a donation to APPEAL, you may designate your donation to go to a) the APPEAL Operations Development Fund and/or b) the APPEAL Credit Union Start-Up Costs Fund.

APPEAL is a non-profit organization, exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, your donation to APPEAL, Inc. is tax deductible.

For a full presentation on the purposes, uses and handling of funds donated to APPEAL, see APPEAL Slide Presentation, particularly pages 23 and 27.

Giving Levels
You may donate whatever amount you are inspired and able to contribute. No amount is too small or too large! Suggested donation levels are as follows:

Our Premium Giving Levels

Apply my donation to (check one):
APPEAL Operations Development Fund
APPEAL Credit Union Start-Up Costs Fund
Both of the Above, Equally Split

Each contributor at a Premium Giving Level shall receive a framed classic photo or portrait of the historical figure identified with his/her support level and all those at lower support levels. For example, a contributor at the Sojourner Support Level will receive framed classic photos/portraits of Sojourner Truth, Malcolm X and Kwame Nkrumah.

Alternative Donation Amount (insert desired amount)

Apply my donation to (check one):
APPEAL Operations Development Fund
APPEAL Credit Union Start-Up Costs Fund
Both of the Above, Equally Split


Thank you for your support!